We watched a very delightful movie as a class today. It’s called “Almanya,” telling the story of this really really cute little Turkish boy, and his family, and him trying to figure out whether he’s Turkish or German. This kid was really just too amazing. The movie was surprisingly okay to watch in German, and in some places there were German subtitles where the actors were supposed to be speaking Turkish, so those were easier to understand. Very very good movie (I cried a little…. It’s fine.)
The movie.
Back to the house, where M and I attempted to figure out her chorus song. I believe an entire section is something along the lines of “eene meene ming mang ping pong neene beene aka waka zocka docka weg.” Or something to that effect. And there’s just lines and lines of this stuff, all of it a little different. In some places the freaking sounds are printed on top of eachther so it looks like “deckadockabrickabrockalinglgooanga” and you’re just like “uhhhh.”
I should probably get some memorizing done…
Beautiful iPod app called “iFlpr.” Now I don’t have to ever buy another thing of index cards again. (and by that I mean now I don’t have to cut up notebook paper into index card sized pieces). Plus it’s so handy to have that on the subway, or when waiting for the bus. I highly recommend.
There’s an hour of night that has the literary name of “Die Blaue Stunde” – the blue hour. It’s that time after the sun sets when the entire world is a little blue colored. While M pointed that out to me, we were looking up at the sky, and she was like “look, those aren’t birds! I forget the English name, but they hang upside down and they have fur.” Bats! Very cute, very tiny, very fast bats. I guess there were mosquitoes or something so they were swooping around and gliding and having a feast.
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