And the men had bells on their calves. Couldn't pass that up- we sat there for like a half hour. So excellent.
Anyway, after that, we we checked out a fairly unremarkable porcelain museum, and then decided to take the bus to a nearby schloss- Schloss Seehof. Absolutely gorgeous. We did a tour of the inside, which was decorated in a Baroque style with a Rococo garden, and was really quite gorgeous. Here's some pictures.
The tour guide: "We request that you wear these slippers: to protect the floor, and to make the tour more fun."
We obliged.
The Neue Residenz was a lot like the Schloss- same type of rooms, paintings, furnishings, etc. However.... they were all a little grander. Apparently the people who lived in the Neue Residenz had wanted the oh-so-wonderful title of "people with the best chambers for the Emperor to stay in when he visits." Unfortunately... the Emperor never did come to visit.
MC then went to church, and G and I went to go see the St. Michael's cloister. It was closed for the night, since it was past 6 at that point, and so we just enjoyed the view and ate some unknown and unripe apples. (save your garden of eden jokes, please)
After a lovely, and long, dinner at an Irish pub (with frankish specialties), we slowly made our way back to the hotel. I would also like to warn my readers-- never eat a Döner that hasn't been cooked enough. Your stomach will NOT enjoy it, and you will have to make many trips to the bathroom at the Irish pub. Unrelated, but fun fact- kids announce the names of the bus stops in Bamberg. It was sooo cute "Nächste Haltestelle: Domplatz"... but with a kid's voice. Adorable.
MC then went to church, and G and I went to go see the St. Michael's cloister. It was closed for the night, since it was past 6 at that point, and so we just enjoyed the view and ate some unknown and unripe apples. (save your garden of eden jokes, please)
After a lovely, and long, dinner at an Irish pub (with frankish specialties), we slowly made our way back to the hotel. I would also like to warn my readers-- never eat a Döner that hasn't been cooked enough. Your stomach will NOT enjoy it, and you will have to make many trips to the bathroom at the Irish pub. Unrelated, but fun fact- kids announce the names of the bus stops in Bamberg. It was sooo cute "Nächste Haltestelle: Domplatz"... but with a kid's voice. Adorable.
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